We Offer Art Classes
to Children, Adult Artists
& Individuals with Substance
Abuse Issues and who may be At-risk.
Our programs have an 88% success rate in helping individuals in recovery and re-directing their lives towards salvation, volunteerism, employment and higher education.

The Canvas Can Do Miracles is a 501-C3 tax exempt nonprofit organization under the directionof J. Tomma Battle. We offer Art classes to children and adult artists, as well as to the under-served community and also individuals with substance abuse issues. Artists are encouraged to use their God given talents as therapy, to re-gain self-control and sufficiency.

Our goal is to provide educational services to at-risk/disadvantage individuals in the form of art enrichment activities. The programs are support to therapy, provide exposure to the arts and art entrepreneurship to at risk and disadvantaged youth and other residents; families and groups of Knoxville, Tennessee and surrounding area.
We serve at risk/disadvantaged youth and individuals at risk or with substance abuse issues
of Knoxville, Tennessee and surrounding areas.

The program has a proven track record of assisting individuals in re-directing their lives and goals at the first studio session.
We provide a motivating atmosphere to create art work, free of charge. We accept donations and have fundraisers for daily operating expenses, art supplies, materials and equipment needed.
These services assist in reducing the need to use any substances in which will automatically reduce the number of deaths associated with the current opioid crisis in Knoxville and surrounding counties.
Art exhibits and showings will be held at our art gallery and local and regional venues where you can purchase those local art. Our online gallery and store is coming soon!
Purchase beautiful products created by clients and local artists, who support individuals in recovery and re-directing their lives towards salvation, volunteerism, employment and higher education. Contact Jackie Holloway at jackie@ccdmiracles.com

Thank you
for visiting!
We focus on visual art as a journey into spiritual
growth for the individual, family members, and
the community.
Contact Us
Jackie Holloway, Operational Director | 865-382-3599 Jackie@ccdmiracles.com
Audrey Wallace, Program Director | 865-237-7355 Audrey@ccdmiracles.com